• Q: When will my products arrive?
  • Q: When will my products arrive?

    A: Orders placed within Canada are shipped via Canada Post and will typically arrive between 2 – 5 business days. Orders placed within the United States will be shipped via Canada Post and USPS and will typically arrive between 5 -10 business days. These times may be extended during holidays.

  • Q: How can I pay for my order?
  • Q: How can I pay for my order?

    A: Once you have entered your shipping and billing information, click on Proceed to Paypal. You will then be directed to Paypal. There, you can choose to pay with your paypal account or if you do not have one, you can click on Pay with Debit or Credit Card, located on the bottom of the page.

  • Q: I have an issue with my order, what should I do?
  • Q: I have an issue with my order, what should I do?

    A: Please reach out to [email protected] or call 1-(905) 599-8259 for assistance.

  • Q: Do you allow refunds/returns?
  • Q: Do you allow refunds/returns?

    A: Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds/exchanges, nor do we allow cancellations/returns.

  • Q: I have a special request regarding my order, what should I do?
  • Q: I have a special request regarding my order, what should I do?

    A: After you click on Proceed to Checkout, an, Order Notes, box appears where you can enter your special requests and we will do our best to accommodate them.

  • Q: How do I find out about upcoming promotions/discounts?
  • Q: How do I find out about upcoming promotions/discounts?

    A: Current promotions and discount codes will always be posted on our official Instagram account @bedesdelight